Authorized Biography Of Crazy Horse And His Family: Part 1 (DVD)
ART ONE: CREATION, SPIRITUALITY, AND THE FAMILY TREE." For over a century the true story of Crazy Horse has been shrouded in mystery. Many have attempted to unravel the mysteries by identifying what they perceived to be the 'facts' of his life...but they never interviewed those who were truly closest to this spiritual leader---his family.
The true story of Crazy Horse was kept by his most immediate relatives. His brothers and sisters. His nephews and nieces. It was commited to memory and then passed down generation to generation. It NEVER left their circle out of fear of government persecution...Until the release of these exclusive documentaries.
In Part One, the Great Grandsons of Crazy Horse, Sr set the record straight as to who were Crazy Horse's immediate relatives. They tell stories about their family that most thought were lost forever, like that of young Crazy Horse's maternal grandfather, Black Buffalo, and his meeting with Lewis and Clark on the Bad River in 1804. And then there's the story of Crazy Horse's eldest maternal uncle, One Horn, and his meeting in 1832 with the famed painter George Catlin and how he came to have his picture painted (currently at the Smithsonian). Also the story of why Crazy Horse's mother,Rattling Blanket Woman, hung herself when Crazy Horse was four years old and how it affected his father and Crazy Horse. Plus the story about why Crazy Horse named his only daughter, They Are Afraid Of Her, after his youngest maternal aunt who carried the same name (his aunt was originally named Looks At It...but that was before a fight with her husband!). These stories and many, many more are contained in this one of a kind DVD. It will give you a personal insight into the culture and spiritual values of Crazy Horse and his Family.
It is a DVD that is undeniably rich in history. AN OFFICIAL SELECTION OF THE 2007 WOODS HOLE FILM FESTIVAL. Running Time: 99 minutes.